domingo, 27 de abril de 2014

Four Horsemen and the collapse of the American Empire

This movie explains in a very clear way the idea of the end of the american empire. To begin with the film uses a very simple argument. They say that the U.S represents an Empire and so one of the main characteristics of empire is the fact that they have an end. So if the U.S is really an empire, The American Empire, it will collapse sooner or later. Also, as a matter of fact, the collapses of the empires are characterized by having a period of chaos and disaster before its end. If we continue to connect these clues and acknowledging that the end of the Twentieth Century was an absolute period of "chaos" and "parties" and liberal ideas.

To be conscious about this information is very important because it could even stop the ending the American Empire, and our way of living. As Napoleon Bonaparte once said "He who does not know history is doomed to repeat it." And if eventually the end of this Empire arrives it will bring with it a whole new and different way to live. I believe that at the beginning, the change will not be very big and outstanding, at least here at Colombia, but afterwards the change will be huge. The whole political and economical system will be reformed.

Photo Credit: Joel Pett

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viernes, 4 de abril de 2014


The banking system in Colombia is quite complicated and similar to the US reserve banking system in the inflation it produces. Colombia is out of the gold based system many years ago. Its National Bank the " Banco de la Republica" is the one that controls the production of the money. It is managed by a board and also by the minister of finance and estate.

The Colombian peso has a rate of inflation of 1,94% which is lower than the one of the United States of America. There is a lot of similarities among both economic systems and has changed a lot among times hand by hand with other economic systems like the french and American systems.



The United States fractional banking system is a system that basically creates money out of thin air. The process by which the money is made is the following. First the US government asks for money to the Federal Reserve and gives them the printed paper. Then the US government puts the money into a private account. The bank is obligated to keep the 10% of the money physical and the other 90% is available for loans. This generates money from thin air. For every 10 billion dollars the US government creates, about 80 billions are created from thin air.

This system only generates difference among social clases and a bigger amount of poverty. Inflation is one of the main characteristics of the fractional reserve banking system. This is basically the devaluation of the money and the production of more money. This is very similar to the system in colombia but it has a bigger rate of inflation.

martes, 1 de abril de 2014


A Thai protestant died today at Bangkok after a several gun men opened fire on a bus that took some protestants from the antigovernment march in the capital. "The shooting lasted for around two minutes, the convoy stopped and everyone took shelter as they raked bullets over the vehicles," group leader Uthai Yodmanee told AFP news agency. Some time later the authorities were informed of 4 more injured people during this act of violence. There are several rumors about the purpose of the attack but some dare to say that it was a political strategy to silence the protestants.

In my opinion this in unacceptable, freedom of speech and freedom to express yourself is not a reason to be murdered or to be even silenced. This guy who was shamefully murdered after assisting to a peaceful march protesting for a better government will remain as a martyr. Its incredible to see how power and fear of other peoples way to think can take a fragile government to attack a bus, injure four and kill one of their own citizens.

Photo Credit:


"One Killed in Bangkok Protest Shooting." - Asia-Pacific. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Apr. 2014.                     <>.


The food inc movie that we saw last week was very interesting and expressed many wrong things on the US industrial way to cultivate and process food. This type of system generates a type of monopoly in the food branch of the country and causes the people to join big companies who end up lending them money and then using that debt to control them. 

The movie made me think and relate this system to the economic hitman system. In this case the small farmers are represented by the undeveloped countries in the economic hitmal while the big and corrupt companies who used debt to manipulate the small farmers are represented by the US government from the economic hitman. It is simply using economic power to influence over others choices. The economic hitman movie, race as a concept and the food inc movie relate in the way economic resources influence the importance of the people, in that there is no concrete prove of their existence (they are just concepts that people use), and finally in how important and harmful they are at the same time for society.